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Dear , In addition, you'll be able to start earning points you can redeem for Free Rental Days after you activate your rewards. Please allow 24 hours for system updates before activating. Welcome to the Enterprise Plus�� membership experience. Thank you for choosing Enterprise. We look forward to making your next rental experience more rewarding. Confirm your email Regards, And we're serious about budgeting glory. It's a real thing, and you will Your membership delivers faster reservations and rentals, a special members-only line at major airport locations and exclusive discounts. before all sorts of great things happen. Like your being able to use YNAB all along your road to budgeting glory. Please confirm by clicking the link == You need a budget, and your email needs confirmation. == Hello! Quick note to let you know that your email needs to be confirmed below: Thank you! Your Enterprise Plus member number and user name is HYFYF4W. <p>holla</p> <p>If you did not request an account, please Contact Us.</p> <p>Your friends at s4hY</p> <p>Ce message a ��t�� envoy��</p> <p><br />Bonjour symJB nous te souhaitons la bienvenue !</p> <p>Votre compte est d��sormais en ligne ! Vous pouvez d��s maintenant envoyer des images et cr��ez des albums. N'h��sitez pas �� partager votre contenu avec vos amis ! Vous avez ��galement la possibilit�� de changer les param��tres de confidentialit�� dans les r��glages de votre compte.</p> <p> </p> <p>--<br />Ce message a ��t�� envoy�� . henfbkmwessxwvb</p> <p>-------------</p> <p>Merci d'avoir souscrit �� la newsletter de la fondation Entrepreneurs de la cit��</p> <p><br />----------------<br />Besoin de ressources, d'innover, d'��changer ? w24Xu, la �� bo��te �� id��es</p> <p> </p> <p>Bonjour flaiesgnous te souhaitons la bienvenue !</p> <p>Votre compte est d��sormais en ligne ! Vous pouvez d��s maintenant envoyer des images et cr��ez des albums. N'h��sitez pas �� partager votre contenu avec vos amis ! Vous avez ��galement la possibilit�� de changer les param��tres de confidentialit�� dans les r��glages de votre compte.</p> <p> </p> Thank you! And we're serious about budgeting glory. It's a real thing, and you will bask in it. Regards, The YNAB Team Your Partners at Cash&Carry Password: General Enquiries: 415-901-7000 | Fax: 415-901-7040 | Sales: 1-800-NO-SOFTWARE You will also have access to the many tools available to help you manage your business. This includes menu tips, meal suggestions and many other great ideas and information. To view this email as a webpage click here. STUDENT INFORMATION EXAM INFORMATION ��� No Please fill out the specific information about the exam you are requesting to take in an Email: _____________________________ Phone: _______________________________ Date of class��� exam: __/_____/__ Time: __:____ AM/PM Length of exam: ___________________________________ minutes/hours Course: _________________________________ Section: _________________________ If you are requesting to take the test on a different day or time because of a conflict, please time. This office will coordinate with your professor to make arrangements. ��� Yes alternate location. ______________________________________________________________________________ Saint Peter���s Email: ____________________________________________________________ Name: _______________________________ Phone: _____________________________ If yes, please explain the conflict: Hello! Quick note to let you know that your email needs to be confirmed below: ______________________________________________________________________________ all along your road to budgeting glory. Please confirm by clicking the link ______________________________________________________________________________ before all sorts of great things happen. Like your being able to use YNAB Please fill out the information about the course. Professor Name: _______________________________________________________________ COURSE INFORMATION indicate below. Note: You are not guaranteed a particular exam date or particular examination ID#: _________________________________________________________________________ Confirm your email ---rD;dxra;zna <p>Please confirm your subscription</p> <p>You've signed up to receive the latest new just click the link below to confirm your subscription:<br /> <br /> <br />If you didn't request this email don't worry - you wont be subscribed if you don't click the confirmation link above!</p> <p><br /> <br /> <br />Copyright .All rights reserved.</p> ----BJ;osar;syc <p><p>_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________<br />Cardinal Station Newburg Center for Primary Care<br />215 Central Avenue, Suite 100 1941 Bishop Lane, Suite 900 215 Central Avenue, Suite 205<br />Louisville, KY 40208 Louisville, KY 40218 Louisville, Ky 40208<br />I:\FCM\Phyllis Harris\Forms\New Patient Pkg Components<br />UofL Department of Family & Geriatric Medicine<br />Dear New Patient,<br />Welcome to your University of Louisville Physicians Family practice! We<br />are offering patient-centered medical care and are enthusiastic about our<br />relationships with our patients. In order to better serve your needs, we are<br />enclosing several forms and ask that you completely fill each form out.<br />The first sheet will help us learn more about you; please completely fill out this<br />form about your family history. The next sheet is titled, ���Authorization for the<br />use and/or Disclosure of Protected Health Information���, and you will need to<br />completely fill that out for our doctors to treat you to the best of their ability; it<br />gives us permission to review your medical records from your previous primary<br />medical facilities.<br />Following, please completely fill out the Registration, Social Services & Consent<br />Form. Next, you will find our Privacy Notice, followed by an acknowledgement that<br />you have received and understand our Privacy Policies. Finally, the last form is the<br />Office Acknowledgements and Policies form. Please read carefully and sign<br />your name at the bottom of the letter.<br />Please make sure to bring all of these forms with you to your first office visit.<br />Do not mail them back to the office. Also, please remember to always<br />bring your picture ID, current insurance cards and your co-payment. If your<br />health insurance requires you to select a primary care doctor please do so prior to<br />your office visit. Please bring in any and all medication you take, in their<br />original bottles, to your appointment.<br />If the patient is under 18 years of age he or she must be accompanied by an<br />adult and will need to bring a copy of their current immunization certificate.<br />Please arrive 15 minutes ahead of your scheduled appointment time so that if<br />you have questions about these forms or we need more information, we can<br />address it all prior to your appointment.<br />We look forward to seeing you!<br />University of Louisville Physicians<br />UofL Family and Geriatric Medicine</p></p> <emd NtfNWyQte qKcCIMAvG khkrnZJ zzdFBOS kuTBdIIe uGwZbnAnIGEshl ktdesjOlls dnUpyAiEk qozdbm UOjTnGn BOwTaJXy XVsQTnQPnPr ADxOECSPfI QeIYqXHReCfjOx edkvjkP XbvRgwa DPiYohKm nwwUqZHlSga NLfQBVcLLy PpcSNyZr vMiXpAn dYewKoQ> Hi peter, Happy trails, Welcome to Trailhead, Trailblazer! If we can assist you in any way, please let us know. Privacy Statement | Manage Preference to Unsubscribe �� 2018 salesforce, inc. All rights reserved. This email was sent to OgJNlOImcNhsJwRC6spmJaj91dXTFL0MQNU6r43 Astro, your trusty trail guide The Landmark @ One Market, Suite 300, San Francisco, CA, 94105, United States Sincerely, Astro Signature I'll be your trusty Trail Guide helping you navigate each step of your career journey. First things first, let's take a moment to get familiar with Trailhead. You'll be blazing trails to new skills in no time. Shall we? Login Name: To finalize your account creation process, please click here to validate your email address. Get a Tour Thank you for registering with Cash&Carry Smart Foodservice���. We appreciate you taking the time to sign up with us. _________________ Our goal is to partner with you to help you grow your business by providing you with the right products and the right prices. So as a registered member you can enjoy the many benefits offered by our website, including receiving our monthly newsletter, weekly specials by email, or signing up for our receipt manager to view your receipts on-line and track your purchases. You will also have the option of searching our product lists, looking up pricing and creating shoppings lists. Using responsive design, the website shows the same great products and features on any device, large or small! <p>From 2015 to 2018, Friends of the Earth Europe has been running the global development education and awareness-raising project “School of Sustainability” in 21 countries across Europe. This is part of strengthening our international spirit of solidarity with 75 member groups of Friends of the Earth International, allies, and those directly impacted by environmental and social injustices.</p> <p>The project has developed the capacities of 32,546 people, from hundreds of communities across Europe, to take action for environmental and social justice, using innovative people-centred and transformative educational approaches, including popular education, theatre, arts and learning-by-doing.</p> <p>School of Sustainability activities included solidarity and integration work with refugees and migrants in Croatia, Sweden and Malta; actions & civil society meetings as responses to calls for solidarity with human rights defenders like Berta Cáceres all over Europe; European-level trainings on facilitation, unpacking power and privilege and theatre of the oppressed; cooking classes and food workshops in Hungary and Bulgaria; gardening and well-being workshops in Denmark; film festivals and debates e.g. on food sovereignty, degrowth, among others; practical solar energy workshops, and youth camps across Europe – all with the aim of linking system change and global issues to concerns close to home. It was also the foundation of network-wide mobilisation towards the climate talks in Paris. Our People. Power. Action. in Paris was the largest School of Sustainability event in Europe – bringing over 3,000 activists from across the Friends of the Earth federation. </p> <div> <p><strong>The project in numbers</strong></p> <ul> <li>23 project partners, including national FoE member organisations across Europe, Young FoE Europe and FoE International;</li> <li>40 training sessions and webinars at European level on popular education, training for trainers, working with affected communities and communities in resistance, mobilising and organising, as well as many environmental and social justice topics;</li> <li>1,462 local and national level activities that reached 31,549 people in 19 member states (MS) (including 16,266 in EU13 member states, 20,234 young people, 19,092 engaged and active citizens who are not directly linked to CSOs,  and 19,962 people from communities directly impacted by social, economic and environmental injustice), using the techniques and insights gained in the European training sessions, and based on work with allies;</li> <li>At least 10,5 million people were reached through broad outreach activities, including street stalls, demonstrations, community organising, festivals and mass mobilisation at events including the COP21 climate conference in Paris;</li> <li>More than 30 calls for solidarity actions supported, including for Human Rights Defenders, and people defending their territories and collective rights in countries around the world;</li> <li>More than 112 tools, case studies, curriculum modules and other resources collected online during the project: <a href=""></a>.</li> </ul> </div> <p>---</p> <p>Friends of the Earth Europe gratefully acknowledges financial assistance from the European Union. The contents of this website, and all School of Sustainability events and materials are the sole responsibility of Friends of the Earth Europe and cannot be regarded as reflecting the position of the European Union. The European Union cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information provided.</p><div style="clear:both; padding-bottom:0.25em"></div> </div> </div> <p class="day-date"> <em>posted by Isabel Gwendolyn at <a href="" title="permanent link">1:26 AM</a></em> <span class="item-action"><a href="" title="Email Post"><img class="icon-action" alt="" src="" height="13" width="18"/></a></span><span class="item-control blog-admin pid-1806833360"><a style="border:none;" href="" title="Edit Post"><img class="icon-action" alt="" src="" height="18" width="18"></a></span> </p> </div> <!-- End .post --> <div align = 'center'> <table width="700" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="1"> <tr> <td width="350"><script type="text/javascript"><!-- google_ad_client = "pub-1615617800707729"; google_ad_host = "pub-1556223355139109"; google_ad_host_channel="00000"; google_ad_width = 336; google_ad_height = 280; google_ad_format = "336x280_as"; google_ad_type = "text"; 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