welcome you've been selected

Sincerely, OOCL Webmaster IMPORTANT NOTICE Natacha, Please let me know what we can help you with. We are at 20 North Washington Ave in Bergenfield, if you want to stop in to the store at all. Welcome Package Dear Visiting Undergraduate Medical Students, We are excited to have you starting your medical elective with us. To help ensure the elective runs smoothly, please read all of the following information very carefully as it is provided for your benefit. If you have any questions or concerns regarding your elective, please contact our electives coordinator (mdelect@mcmaster.ca) no later than 2 business days prior to the start of your elective. Thank you, Michael G DeGroote School of Medicine Staff Policies - Please note that McMaster University and the Michael G DeGroote School of Medicine reserve the right to cancel and/or withdraw any electives if any required documentation is outstanding. - Once an elective has been secured, changes are not permitted. This applies to dates and specialties. Any requests for changes to a secured elective will only be processed through cancellation and re-application (fees and cancellation policy will apply). Computer/IT/Patient File Access In order to set you up with the appropriate computer access, you will need to determine if your elective is taking place at any of the following Hamilton Health Sciences (HHS) sites: ? McMaster University Medical Center (MUMC) ? Juravinski ? Hamilton General Hospital (HGH) ? St. Peter���s If the elective is taking place at any of the sites listed above, this is the process for obtaining computer access: 1. Complete the confidentiality agreement form (found on McMaster institution profile page on AFMC) and send it back to your placement contact 2. Forms will only be accepted if they are saved and sent as .docx or .pdf files ? please title the form as follows: ���ELECTIVE START DATE ��� LAST NAME, FIRST NAME ��� CONFIDENTIALITY AGREEMENT FORM��� ��� forms that are not received in this format will not be accepted and processed. 3. Your computer access will be emailed to you. If your elective is taking place at St. Joseph���s Hospital this is the process for obtaining computer access: 1. Students requiring computer access at SJH will be sent an email regarding Dovetale computer training. If you elective is taking place at a HHS site AND St. Joseph���s hospital, please follow both processes to ensure you get computer access at each site. ***Please note that not all departments will grant computer access, so you will need to contact your placement contact (their name and email can be found on the confirmation email from AFMC) to see if you need access for your elective. If you do not require access, then please ignore the process above *** Immunization Requirements The AFMC Student Portal Immunization and Testing Form (Including Appendix E on the 2018 form) is required. Students must be cleared for clinical placement by the McMaster Health Screening Office before they may start their elective. For more information, visit: https://fhs.mcmaster.ca/healthscreening/electives.html. For immunization questions or concerns, contact the Health Screening Office by email hrsadmin@mcmaster.ca or telephone 905-525-9140 ext 22249. ***Registration Day *** Registration will take place on the Monday of the first day of your elective at McMaster University in the Michael G DeGroote Centre for Learning (MDCL) building in Room 3101. MDCL is located at McMaster University���s main campus, located at 1280 Main St. West, Hamilton. Please note that if your elective start date falls on a holiday, then we will register at the same time on the Tuesday morning. Typically, registration will start at 8:30am. However, if we have a large group of students registering with us that morning, the start time will be staggered and is likely that you will be asked to register earlier or later than 8:30am. An email will be sent out the week before your elective start date to confirm what time you will be starting. Please do not be late to your scheduled registration time. If your elective is taking place outside of Hamilton OR at a private practice, then you are NOT required to register with us, you can head straight to your elective. When you arrive at MDCL Room 3101 for registration, please have a seat in our foyer. Someone will come to get you. Registration will consist of the following: (i) confirmation of your elective details with MD Program Electives staff member), (ii) receiving a security and scrubex access card and (iii) having your photo taken for your ID badge. Your security and scrubex access and your ID badge will all be on 1 card. This card will provide you security access to any restricted areas at whichever hospital(s) you will be at (if you are at more than one hospital, please let whoever is registering you know), it will provide you access to the ScrubEx machines at the hospital and it will act as an ID badge. If you have any questions at that time, please do not hesitate to ask. Pagers - McMaster, Juravinski, St. Joseph���s and Hamilton General: 1. Please note that there are loaner pagers available to visiting students if needed. 2. Students completing electives at ANY OF THE HOSPITALS IN HAMILTON can pick up pagers from the Telecommunications office at McMaster 3. The Telecommunications office is on the first floor of the McMaster Hospital, behind the red elevators. 4. Look for the sign that reads ���telecommunications office��� 5. Enter the room and head straight back to the office in front of you. Dictation 1. Hamilton Health Sciences Hospitals (McMaster, Juravinski, and Hamilton General): 2. To obtain a dictation number while at any of the Hamilton Health Sciences Hospitals you need to call the Medical Transcription office at (905) 521-2100 Ext. 73838. Please note this office closes at 4pm daily. 3. St. Joseph���s Hospital: To obtain a dictation number while at St. Joseph���s Hospital please call 905.522.1155 ext 32078 White Coats 1. There are short white coats available in the Health Sciences bookstore which is located on the first floor of the McMaster hospital, in front of the red elevators, just outside of the cafeteria. 2. Please check with the department/supervisor that you will be working with to see if you require a short white coat for that elective. Parking a. All HHSC Sites + St. Joseph���s Hospital 1. There are discount rates available for visiting students to park at any at any of the hospitals in Hamilton. After you register with us you can take your ID badge, along with a copy of your confirmation letter to the Parking Office at McMaster Hospital to arrange this. 2. The Parking office is located in the RED section in the parking garage (near sign for Main St. West exit) 4. Please do the following when going to the parking office: a) let the admin know that you are a VISITING UNDERGRADUATE MEDICAL STUDENT b) tell her which hospital(s) your elective is taking place at c) show her your ID badge provided to you by our office. 5. If your elective is taking place at any hospital except St. Joseph���s, you will be given a parking pass at that time and it can be used immediately. 6. If you are completing an elective at St. Joseph���s, you will pay for your parking pass in the parking office and they will provide you with a receipt and a card. KEEP THE RECEIPT AND CARD and take it to St. Joseph���s parking office located on the main floor near the Juravinski Tower. You will register your parking pass at SJH. Only once it has been registered at SJH will it be ready to use. FAQ���s from Visiting Elective Students at McMaster University/ Michael G. DeGroote School of Medicine 1. How do I find the electives office for registration on Monday morning? The electives office is located on the 3rd floor of the Michael G. Groote Centre for Learning (MDCL), room 3101. ? If you are parking underground in the hospital, you will need to find your way to the BLUE section of the hospital (MUMC is colour coded; purple, blue, red and yellow). ? Once you have located the blue section, take the elevator to the second floor. ? Once you step out of the elevator, take an immediate right turn and then your next immediate left. Turning left down the left hallway will take you across the skywalk from the hospital to the second floor of MDCL. ? Continue following the hallway until you see the elevators on the your right hand side ? Take the elevators up to the 3rd floor ? When stepping out of the elevator, continue straight down the hall and take your second left. Continue to the very end of the hall, and our office door is located right after the big sign ���Michael G. Degroote School of Medicine��� on the right hand side of the wall. 2. Do I need to attend registration? Registration is not mandatory for students to attend. However, if you do not attend, you will not get security access, access to the ScrubEx machines or an ID badge. This will likely make it very difficult to successfully complete your elective, so we suggest you come. 3. Do I need to come to registration first, or should I go to my elective first? Unless otherwise indicated by your preceptor/department administrative contact (or the schedule they���ve provided you with), you can come register with us first. If your preceptor/department administrative contact has told you to visit with them first, please send us an email as to when we can expect you. We suggest that you email your preceptor/department administrative contact to let them know that you will likely be showing up around 9:30am on your first day. 4. I will need scrubs for my elective, where and how do I access them? There are ScrubEx machines located at every hospital, so you will have the ability to access scrubs at any hospital. ScrubEx machines are a ���tap activated��� automatic scrub dispensing machine (essentially a big vending machine for scrubs). We will register your Access Card so that you are able to use the ScrubEx machines at whichever hospital(s) you are at for your elective. If you Access Card does not work, contact us at: mdelect@mcmaster.ca to let us know what���s going on. 5. Will my ScrubEx access be set up for me when I arrive? We do our best to set up ScrubEx access for you prior to your arrival on Monday morning. However, as it is not always possible to have them set up for each student, we ask that if you need scrubs for your elective, please bring an extra pair (or two) with you until we get you access to the ScrubEx machines. 6. When will my security access get set up? Security access will take about 24 hours to set up for you and should be ready for you by noon the following day. If by noon the next day you still do not have security access, please contact MD Electives AND visit the security office at the hospital you are completing your elective at. You will need to show your ID badge (from us) and let them know you are an undergraduate visiting medical student, the department you are in and what access you need. 7. I haven���t been informed of where to go/who to meet for my elective. What do I do now? We ask that if you have not been able to contact your preceptor that you do not wait until Monday morning at registration (or Friday afternoon at 4:00pm) to share this information with us. Please inform us beforehand so that we can do our best to find out where you���re going and who you���re meeting after registration. 8. My homeschool requires that an evaluation be completed at the end of my elective. How do I ensure this happens? We suggest that you inform your preceptor early on that you will be needing an evaluation completed at the end of your elective. We also suggest that you try to carve out time before leaving your elective to ensure that the evaluation is complete as we are not responsible for ensuring student evaluations are completed once a student has completed an elective. We will not be tracking down preceptors. 9. The evaluation cannot be sent back to my homeschool by me. How can I ask the electives office to email/ mail the evaluation to my homeschool? We will absolutely mail and/or email an evaluation back to your homeschool as long as the evaluation is complete. As stated above, we will not track down preceptors to complete an evaluation once your elective has finished. 10. Who can I contact if I���m having trouble throughout my elective(s)? For any questions or concerns before, during or after your elective, you can contact either: MD Program Electives ��� 905.525.9140 ext. 20256 or mdelect@mcmaster.ca Susheel Gurcha ��� 905.525.9150 ext. 21134 or gurchas@mcmaster.ca Email from OOCL is confidential and may be legally privileged. If it is not intended for you, please delete it immediately unread. The internet cannot guarantee that this communication is free of viruses, interception or interference and anyone who communicates with us by email is taken to accept the risks in so doing. Without limitation, OOCL and its affiliates accept no liability whatsoever and howsoever arising in connection with the use of this email. Under no circumstances shall this email constitute a binding agreement to carry or for provision of carriage services by OOCL, which is subject to the availability of carrier's equipment and vessels and the terms and conditions of OOCL's standard bill of lading which is also available at http://www.oocl.com. Should you wish to discontinue email communications from OOCL, please click the link marked "Remove Subscription". Should you need to update your contact details , please go to the "Change Subscription" page; send an email to webadmin@oocl.com or write to: OOCL Web administrator, Orient Overseas Container Line Limited, 30/F, Harbour Centre, 25 Harbour Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong. By clicking the following link you will confirm your e-mail address: http://www.bwinparty.com/Subscription.aspx?s=4PxionL7MHbSrM5s9jwbNwsnztZkoZTuiwFTGKzKStw%3d Dear , Sunday, July 31, 2011 11:05 PM Page 1 of 3 Greetings everyone, I hope you are doing well and enjoying the coming of summer. It's already well into summertime here in Sedona, even starting to get a little too hot for a native Seattle-ite like me. Say, my reason for sending this email is to see if you are interested in the following. OVERVIEW As most of you know, my purpose in this life is to help others. My work as an Intuitive Healer is part of that, but there is more. Ultimately my purpose is to help heal humanity, to work with others - many like yourselves - to uplift the awareness and consciousness of everyone on our planet. To help bring us to a state where we no longer view life and ourselves as separate, distant and disconnected from one another. But where we feel and know ourselves to be the other. Not just intellectually or emotionally, but where we actually feel we are One - one with the other (BTW, this is how God views life). Once this happens to enough people our world will see the end of war, the end of poverty, the end of greed, hatred and self-interest at the expense of others and at the expense of our planet. In essence, we'll experience what may be called "Heaven on Earth" or the "Golden Age", and quite possibly within our lifetime. Now, I realize this may sound crazy to some; perhaps unrealistic or simply the byproduct of a hopelessly childish imagination. That's okay. I'm not asking everyone to believe as I do. But you know, this has been my knowing ever since I was a child. I would have visions that a time like this was coming. And I knew in my soul that others, many others, were here to do the same thing - to set humanity absolutely and unconditionally free. What I'm offering you is a pathway to realize this state of Oneness for yourself. It's completely free of religion or religious overtones, does not require one to switch religions or adopt a guru or teacher or anything like that. You don't have to learn some complicated meditation process, or be in prayer for 20 hours a day, or climb Mount Everest and sit in a cave for 12 years. It's just simple, really simple. So if you're interested, read on (FYI - This has nothing to do with my livelihood or occupation. I make no money from this. It's just something I'd like to share with you if you're interested.) Now, this state of Oneness can only be brought about by a shift in our perception, which in turn can only happen once a neuro-biological transformation begins to happen in our brain and spinal column. And this transformation, what is often called the "Awakening Process" or "Enlightenment" or "God-Realization" (these are all different states of Oneness), is made possible by that aspect of the Divine we call the Holy Spirit or the Kundalini energy (they are the same thing). It is this Kundalini energy that transforms us from the inside-out, automatically shifting our perception without much effort on our part. And, as I've said this change in perception changes our experience of life. Ultimately we experience life as One. The observer, the observed and the act of observation are One. We aren't the same, nor simply clones of one another. But we are indivisibly One. WEEKLY WEBCASTS FOR AWAKENING Beginning on June 11 a remarkable thing happened. Weekly live webcasts originating out of the Oneness University in India and hosted by Sri Bhagavan are now being made publicly available to everyone. That means anyone can participate in these worldwide webcasts, one need not be a Oneness deeksha giver to partake. These webcasts, which show twice per week (on Saturday for most of North America) and last for 15 minutes each can be viewed by anyone with access to the internet. And they're free. You don't need to register, don't need to sign up on an email list. They're just free. The purpose of these webcasts is to raise your Kundalini energy, thus transforming your brain and spine, thus shifting your perception, thus changing your experience of life, ultimately leading you into a state of awakening, enlightenment and God-realization. So if you're interested here's how to participate: STEP 1: Visit the World Oneness Community website http://www.worldonenesscommunity.com. Then watch the video entitled "How To Participate In Weekly Webcasts." You can view this short 1 minute video by clicking on the following link: http://www.worldonenesscommunity.com/video/how-to-participate-in-weekly. Watching this video will give you a Page 2 of 3 link: http://www.worldonenesscommunity.com/video/how-to-participate-in-weekly. Watching this video will give you a good understanding of how these weekly webcasts work and how to gain the most benefit from them. STEP 2: Visit the Oneness University website http://www.onenessuniversity.org. Then go to the Weekly Webcast Teachings page at http://www.onenessuniversity.org/index.php/webcasts. Here you can read the various weekly teachings and the teaching for the week. Please try to commit the weekly teaching to memory. It is not necessary to actively try to practice these teachings, just simply become aware of them. Place them into your mental awareness, that is all that is necessary. STEP 3: On Saturday (for most people in North America) watch the live webcast either in the morning or in the evening, or both. For the 15 minutes that Sri Bhagavan is on the screen simply meditate with him (and tens of thousands of others) and let yourself become helpless. Move into a state of utter helplessness, knowing that we (our mind) cannot give us awakening, nor enlightenment, nor God-realization. Only divine grace can do that. So become helpless to that fact. Once we are helpless the Kundalini energy can rise and perform its miracles. The website address to watch the live webcast is: http://www.onenessuniversity.org/index.php/webcasts/webcast-player. STEP 4: If you have additional time after the webcast you might want to find a quiet place and simply let the Kundalini energy move through you without any resistance. This time is often beneficial, as the energy sometimes has its greatest effect after the actual webcast. WEBCAST TIMES The webcasts are shown twice each week at 10:00pm Saturday and 10:00am Sunday, India Standard Time (India does not adhere to daylight savings time). To make it easier for you, these translate into the following days and times for North America: 9:30am and 9:30pm Saturday - Pacific & Arizona Time 10:30am and 10:30pm Saturday - Mountain Time 11:30am and 11:30pm Saturday - Central Time 12:30pm Saturday and 12:30am Sunday - Eastern Time 1:30pm Saturday and 1:30am Sunday - Atlantic Time EXCERPT FROM SRI BHAGAVAN ON PREPARING FOR THE WEEKLY WEBCAST "Your role is to feel helpless and my role is to raise your kundalini. Once the kundalini is raised, all things will naturally happen. You have been sufficiently programmed. For example, if you have sufficiently contemplated on the teaching given to you and then feel helpless, then when I raise your kundalini, that teaching will become your realization. If you have not done your homework, you may not get much. The kundalini will still rise, but would not give any great result. That's why we give you one week's time to contemplate on the teachings. You must almost commit it to memory. Then as you feel helpless, the moment you feel helpless I'll be able to raise your kundalini and the teaching will become your insight, your realization." CONCLUSION I realize not everyone is into awakening, nor enlightenment, nor God-realization. I also realize there will be some for whom the above method does not resonate. Again, that's okay. If you know me personally I'm not one to push things on to others. If it's not for you, it's not for you. But if it speaks to you, or if you want to check it out my advice is to give it a try. Put it to the test and see for yourself if you witness positive changes in your life. I know for me, and hundreds of others I know, this transformation we call the awakening process has been like nothing else I've ever experienced. I call it God made easy (or Life made easy for atheists). It's really simple and it's really profound. Whatever your choice I wish you the best of grace. PS - Feel free to share this email with those you feel may be interested in these webcasts. With gratitude for all you do for yourself and humanity, Rev. Kerry Intuitive Healer, Spiritual Coach, Oneness Trainer Healing is a natural phenomenon. All it takes is the awareness to experience fully what life is showing us. Page 3 of 3 what life is showing us. God does the rest. This email was sent to #EMAIL# by kerrychinn@powersource.com Subscribe to our Experiential Healing e-Newsletter | Our Privacy Policy | All rights reserved Update Profile/Email Address | Instant removal with Unsubscribe Rev. Kerry Chinn - Intuitive Healer, Spiritual Coach, Oneness Trainer PO Box 121, Sedona, Arizona 86339 www.kerrychinn.com | Private Sessions Available I hope that you and your family are doing well. I recently learned specific medical information that affects our family���s risk for disease, and I want to share it with you, along with other general information, so that you and your family can determine whether or not you need to take further action. I met with a genetic counselor at __________________ and went through counseling for hereditary breast, ovarian, and other cancers. Through genetic testing performed with a blood or saliva test, I learned that I have a _______ mutation in the _________ gene. (Mention here if you are willing to provide a copy of your test result.) Because we are blood relatives, experts recommend that you share this information with your healthcare provider, and schedule an appointment with a genetic counselor to discuss how my test result may affect you and your family, and determine if testing is appropriate for you. (If you need to locate a genetics expert, you can visit the National Society of Genetic Counselors at www.nsgc.org.) Men or women with an inherited gene change have a 50% chance of passing the mutation to each of their children. These changes can increase the risk for cancers in different parts of the body; they do not increase risk for every type of cancer, and not everyone who is born with a gene change will develop cancer. This is why it is important to speak with a genetics expert, who can help you understand your own level of risk. If you have genetic testing and find that you carry the same mutation I have, you have many options for managing high risk. Your healthcare provider can discuss these alternatives with you so that you can make informed decisions. Another powerful resource is the nonprofit support organization Facing Our Risk of Cancer Empowered (FORCE). It provided helpful information and support that empowered and prepared me to advocate for my own health. FORCE���s website (www.facingourrisk.org) provides expert-reviewed information. If you sign up for FORCE���s Peer Navigation Program, a trained volunteer will walk you through information you need and help you to understand what it means for our family. I would be happy to share my own experience and decisions with you. With best wishes for good health, I hope you are all doing well and are enjoying (or will soon enjoy) the return of spring. There has been a great deal of activity getting ready for I-SPY2. You might want to periodically browse our website (www.gemini-grp.com/ISPYHome.pdf ) as we regularly add material relevant to the trial, as well as background information that is likely to be of interest to folks interested in the trial. Over the past few months advocates have been assigned to all of the scientific working groups, and have begun to be actively engaged in many of them. In addition, three groups of advocates have begun work on other activities. One group, is reviewing an early draft of the trial protocol; we hope to put a version of it on the website sometime next month. Another group being led by Debbie Molis is working on patient materials, and a third group is working on training. We will also soon initiate two other advocate groups: 1) to work on a plan to assess all advocate activities; and 2) to work on a model for involving advocates at the trial sites. If you are interested in getting involved in any of these five groups, please send me an email message and we will add you to the list. One of the activities that the training group is working on is a webinar series that will be available to any interested advocates. The webinars will be scheduled about every three weeks. Those who can attend live will have an opportunity to ask questions. However, given the variety of work schedules and time zones, we realize it will be difficult to meet everyone���s needs. Thus, all of the webinars will be archived and available for viewing and listening at your convenience. Many of the webinars will be hosted by I-SPY investigators. The first of the I-SPY2 talks, which we are still trying to schedule will be done by Laura Esserman, the principal investigator and will provide and overview of the trial. This will be followed by other investigators who will talk in more detail about various topics (e.g., trial design, biomarkers, agents, imaging). In addition, we are scheduling a number of webinars that are more generic which should provide the background advocates need to understand clinical trials in general and I-SPY2 in particular. If there is a topic and/or speaker you think we should cover, please send me an email with your suggestion. The first general webinar is scheduled for: WEDNESDAY, APRIL 15th at 3:00 eastern (2:00 central; 1:00 mountain; or noon pacific time) Topic: Introduction to Clinical Trial Protocols and Protocol Review From the Advocate/Patient Perspective Speaker: Barbara LeStage Goal: At the end of the Webinar advocates will know what information must be included in NCI funded clinical trial protocols and how to effectively review a protocol to promote meaningful scientific research and trials to which patients will accrue. Objectives: Advocates will know 1. that the purpose of a protocol is to describe the purpose of the trial and exactly how it is to be conducted. 2. what the elements of a clinical trial protocol are 3. how to review a protocol from the patient perspective 4. that tools have been developed by ACRIN, ECOG and RTOG to assist advocates in reviewing protocols 5. that an overview of the clinical trial process is available in the NCI Cancer Clinical Trial Basic Workbook. 6. that guidelines for authoring and submitting a protocol to NCI are available in a handbook from the Cancer Therapy Evaluation Program (CTEP) at NCI. 7. that the Components of a Protocol Document are listed in Section 3.1 of the CTEP handbook. 8. that CTEP has developed a template for Phase II clinical trials. If you can participate live, please send me email to that effect so we can ensure there are an adequate number of ports. Following the webinar, I will send information about how to access the archive. Dial-in procedures: 1. Prior to the call (like right now!) go to https://www2.gotomeeting.com/ojoin/928603461/100000000000814655 and launch the software. You may need to enable ActiveX and/or disable pop���up blockers to load and test the software; however, it is safe. 2. Five ��� ten minutes before the call: ? Dial: 1-800-974-2164 ? Participant Access code: 9382660 ? Webinar ID: 928-603-461 ? You will be provided an ID which you should write down 3. Go to: https://www2.gotomeeting.com/ojoin/928603461/100000000000814655 ? Assuming you pre-loaded the software, it should start up rapidly ? If you are prompted for a Webinar ID, enter: 928-603-461 ? If you are prompted for a personal ID, enter the ID you received when you called in. This will allow the group system to show who is speaking On another topic, many of you will be attending the NBCC annual training conference in Washington DC next month, and some of you suggested that we schedule an I-SPY2 networking get together. If you are attending and would like to join such a gathering, please send me a note to that effect including information about you time preferences. Jane Greetings ��FIRST_NAME�� , I hope you are doing well as we near the end of the semester and that you are looking forward to a restful break. Below are some items of interest as well as news regarding part-time faculty support! Entering Grades Final grades must be submitted electronically using MiddleNet. Click here for additional instructions regarding how to upload grades. As the close of the spring semester nears please remember that Final Grades must be entered through our online system by Thursday May 26, 2016 at 9:00am. The college will continue college wide prerequisite checking and graduation review, so it would be greatly appreciated if all grades could be entered at your earliest convenience. To help you calculate grades, here is a link to the MCC grading system: https://www.middlesex.mass.edu/adjunctjunction/gradesystem.aspx OER Open Educational Resources (OER) is an online site that offers ���free and openly licensed educational materials that can be used for teaching, learning, research, and other purposes���; as you can imagine, these resources offer exciting new possibilities for students and faculty members. MCC has been discussing how best to encourage the use of Open Educational Resources in place of traditional textbooks here at MCC to not only save students money but to enhance their learning experience. To help jumpstart the process of making more relevant OER materials available, we need your help. Please complete the (really short) survey below to help us better understand how we can best support this work: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/mccoersurvey Note: the survey has been previously disseminated. If you have already responded, please disregard the request. Workshop Opportunity Please click here for information about a 3-hour workshop that will show you how to design (or redesign) assignments to elicit stronger writing and critical thinking while incorporating high quality, business-focused, library resources. Please connect with Noreen McGinness Olson at mcginnessn@Middlesex.mass.edu by May 20th (this Friday) to register! New Adjunct Faculty Liaison! Throughout this year, I've worked to provide a voice for you in administrative meetings, as well as to support you and communicate with you regularly. In turn, you've all worked to support me and my efforts -- thank you! MCC is committed to ensuring that part-time faculty receive the support, communication and advocacy we need, and so the college will be embedding this work into a full-time position coming this fall! To this end, I'm happy to announce that Deb Botker has been appointed Assistant Dean of Social Sciences and Part-Faculty Liaison. Many of you know Deb and the work she's done for part-time faculty, and she is excited to begin working on new ways to support the part-time faculty community at MCC. She will be in touch prior to the fall semester, but feel free to contact either me or Deb (botkerd@middlesex.mass.edu) with any questions in the meantime. I���ve really enjoyed working with you and serving you this past year. I have been consistently impressed with the dedication you all show to your students and MCC. Many adjuncts juggle so many conflicting priorities, yet you still manage to give so much to students. Thank you for all of your wonderful comments, feedback and support as I���ve worked to help part-time faculty members become more connected to the college. I really appreciate it! Thank you so much ��� have a wonderful summer, Kate Baker <p> <meta content="userid=276850&email=jasminedover16@gmail.com&end" name="fbltrack" /></p> <table width="610" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" align="center" style="font-family: arial; font-size: 12px"> <tbody> <tr> <td height="20" bgcolor="#dcedb2" align="center" style="font-size: 11px">Can't read this E-Mail? 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