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Juan Galt ( 0 h 20, le 20 mars
Great read, (With pictures!) of how @Hyperborean1 ( Built the data center our NA notary node is running on. Impressive amount of detail and careful construction. This is the kind of infrastructure we are looking at building in Latin america next. Enjoy.
ca333 1 h 03, le 20 mars
@chaîne - The vote functionality in Agama is now fully activated. Please update your Agama wallets:


or download from the website.

And dont forget to participate in the elections and be part of democrazy on the blockchain!
shossain 1 h 07, le 20 mars
Hello everyone! VOTE2018 tokens has been airdropped. It is now time to Vote for Notary Node Election 2018.

I would like to run 2 very high capacity nodes in EU & AR region. Your votes are very valuable for me.

I am a very highly skilled operator and leading the test team. I was the first to setup a node and wrote a guide for other candidates on how start using the notary testnet.

Vote details:

*EU Vote Address: `RSUMqZFwz7yPzTmyzEtH9VzH7LBoD7twSB`*

*AR Vote Address: `RFUN8XezmmZt47pzVmoz7aN5LtFNV9pyuj`*

*Private Vote Address: `zcYTkJTZteZDsjq56qsYY1WNzy5m1VYkjKpm651b7ZhUgewYe2PBRFFeZUciNQ6iBaPvELbuEGUGKHKBW2XHEm1F2yeYdhe`*


Thank you for reading.
bobdeposit 1 h 11, le 20 mars
can you all please just stop spamming your proposals over and over

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