

Dear fze fzefze,

Thank you for your interest in eDanson, Danson's on-line ordering system.

We have received your application for an eDanson account which, unfortunately, requires administrator approval before you can start shopping. You will be advised within the next 5 business days once your account application is authorized.

If, after 5 business days, we have not gotten back to you concerning your eDanson account application, please feel free to contact us to know the status of your application (our contact information can also be found on our Trade Information Overview page.)

Authentication Preferences

Existing Danson Customer?No
Danson Account Number

Personal Profile

First Namefze
Last Namefzefze

Company Address

Company Namefzefezf
Business Typechain
Address 1fzfef 154
Address 2
Postal Code23346
Phone Number06322642
Fax Number
Mobile Phone Number

Thank you,

Customer Service
T: 514-335-2435 / 1-800-363-1865
F: 514-339-2441 / 1-877-893-3267
E: CustomerCare@dansondecor.com
3425, rue Douglas B. Floreani
St Laurent, Québec
Canada H4S 1Y6

NOTE: This e-mail message is intended only for the named recipient(s) above and may contain information that is priviliged, confidential and/or exempt from disclosure under applicable law. If you have received this message in error, or are not the named recipient(s), please immediately notify the sender and delete this e-mail message.

posted by Isabel Gwendolyn at 5:00 AM