My Name is Karmen Melvin. I am 38 and I have been clean now for 26 months and I have been set free from a 12 yr. addiction of meth, alcohol, prescription drugs and prostitution. From the outside looking in, one would've thought I had it made and would've never believed I was living in the streets of Warner Robins, much less an I.V. drug user. Throughout the 12 years of my addiction, I found myself hurting, lost, hopeless, homeless, prostituting and doing things for drugs and money that I never imagined I would do. I believed that I was worthless and unlovable. I hurt everyone I loved and cared about all to obtain the things I thought would make me happy and fulfill the hole inside my heart. I found myself facing felony charges and headed in the wrong direction. I went to jail a couple of times and felt like I was literally dying and going crazy. I thought if I could learn to control my addiction, I could regain my life. I have since realized just how broken and dead on the inside I truly was. I was beaten down, alone, scared and had hit rock bottom, and every rock going down. Ms. Cynthia came to see me in jail several times over the next few weeks and ministered to me. I knew there was something different about her and her ministry, but I really thought it was more because she had a connection with a family friend. Upon my release from jail, two ladies, Kalyn and Ms. Judy, came to meet me with a condition from my mom, that I must agree to get help. I agreed but my intention was to do something quick rather than anything intense. I intended to appease my family thinking I could pull the wool over their heads and find a quick way out. Kalyn and Ms. Judy began ministering to me on the ride to the safe house about a place called Abba House. At the mention of the mere words, Abba House is hard and LONG, I immediately shut Ms. Judy out thinking, I am not doing hard!!! Arriving at 1 am, I remember 2 girls opening the door so friendly and so welcoming. I was hurting so very bad. The next day, one of the girls ministered to me for almost 4 hours while I was absolutely falling apart. She made it so easy. I opened up to her with things I would've never told anyone. I remember feeling acceptance with love like I don't think I ever had after spilling all my dark secrets. I stared at all the Scriptures on the wall wondering if the love of Jesus could really be real. Could He, would He, and did He really love me? Soon I began to realize that he wasn't just someone that I could only think about, he is actually my ONLY hope and my one true love. As I began to question who Jesus really was, asking hundreds of questions and agreeing to go to long-term treatment, a placement was found for me-at ABBA HOUSE!!! Here too I found love and acceptance. Here I found that Jesus took my shame and says that I am His. It was hard and long, but  I HAVE BEEN SET FREE! Thanks to Out of Darkness for their vision and love for Jesus. Because of YOU, I am no longer walking in Darkness rather in the bright light of Jesus Christ!! Changed & Forever Grateful, Karmen Melvin |
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