Thank you for creating a new account at

You may now sign-in with the following details:

Username: elhiem
Password: fxsqtgo6

Please change the password after you sign-in using the menu SETTINGS -> ACCOUNT -> ACCOUNT ACCESS.

We would like to help you to get most out of your free trial:

  • Beds24 is designed as a self-service system. We do not charge any set up fees and you do the complete set up yourself using online help we provide.
  • Our setup wizards are designed to introduce the system and guide you through the setup process. The wizards open your control panel and booking page in wizard mode. Login with your username and password and follow the steps.
  • There are tutorials and videos showing you how to do the set up at the following link

How does the free trial work?

Trial accounts are fully functioning. New users receive two weeks free trial during which they can test the system.

We have added some credit into your account so you can also test functions like SMS booking notifications for which pay-per-use fees apply.

After the free trial finishes your account will be automatically converted into a regular paid account so you can keep all your settings. If you do not want to use Beds24 after the free trial has ended there is nothing you need to do. The account will expire automatically and all data will eventually be deleted. You also have the option to close the account yourself at any time.

If you require assistance please sign-in to your Beds24 account and contact us via the SUPPORT button in the top left menu of the control panel.

Kind regards,

Annette Morgenroth
Customer Relations