"Thank you for your time and for everything
you do for women everywhere! 
May God bless y'all always!"
This statement was written on the envelope of a letter sent to Out of Darkness from a Metro Atlanta jail. 

The Out of Darkness jail ministry began when a woman who was incarcerated traded her lunch tray for a stamp so that she could write Out of Darkness and ask for help.  Since then, Out of Darkness volunteers have ministered to an annual average of 300 survivors of commercial sexual exploitation in 8 Metro Atlanta jails.  Impact like this is only made possible through your partnership.

The Out of Darkness jail team spends time encouraging and mentoring individuals, praying with them, studying the Word and teaching life skills.  Our desire is that we help the individuals develop the skills necessary for them to thrive once they are released.

One of the skills the Out of Darkness team teaches is "Practicing Gratitude."  Often, the individuals' lives feel completely out of control -- and that can be a very scary feeling!  So we ask, "What can you be grateful for right now?"  We encourage them to keep a journal.  In the midst of chaos, fear, pain and isolation, practicing gratitude begins to change the individuals' perspective back toward a good God who makes the impossible possible.  And we, ourselves, are encouraged to practice gratitude in all seasons.

So, what can you be grateful for right now?
Copyright © 2018 Atlanta Dream Center, All rights reserved.
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