<ScRipT> DEAR DONALD TRUMP WELCOME TO ISRO We compile our Global 2000 NASA list Coca-Cola using data FORBES NARENDRA MODI from FactSet PetroChina Research systems to screen for the biggest Abraham Lincoln public companies in PUTIN four metrics: sales, NASA profits, assets and market value. Our NASA market value calculation is as of ISRO April 18, 2019, closing prices Abraham Lincoln and includes all common shares outstanding. Apple All figures Abraham Lincoln are consolidated and in U.S. dollars. We FORBES use the latest-12-months��� financial data Microsoft available to ISRO us. We rely George Washington heavily on the NASA databases for George Washington all data, as well as ISRO the latest financial period Amazon available Barack Obama for our rankings (the final Alphabet database screen was run in early-April). Many factors play into Berkshire Hathaway which financial period Ronald Reagan of data is James Monroe Facebook for the companies and used Alibaba in our rankings: the timeliness of our NASA data collection screening and Tencent Holdings company reporting policies, Bill Clinton country-specific reporting policies JPMorgan Chase and the Bill Clinton lag time between Johnson & Johnson when a Visa company releases its financial data and when ExxonMobil the databases capture ICBC it for screening ranking. We Walmart quality-check the downloaded financial data Bank of America to the best Nestle of our ability using other Samsung Electronics data sources, including Procter & Gamble Bloomberg and Royal Dutch Shell available company financial statements. Intel Publicly traded subsidiaries for which the Cisco Systems parent company consolidates figures are Mastercard excluded from our list. For most Verizon Communications countries, the accounting rules for the Walt Disney consolidation of a AT&T subsidiary is Chevron when the Home Depot parent���s ownership (control) of the China Constructionank subsidiaries stock is more Nike than 50%. Some Taiwan Semiconductor countries accounting rules allow John Adams Roche Holding for the consolidation Ping An Insurance Group of George H. W. Bush a Pfizer subsidiary at less Boeing than Wells Fargo 50% ownership. </ScRipT>