Wicked Blood (Dark Fae Hollows)
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In Gypsy Hollow, everyone knows blood is power. The Sleeping Daughter lays in a fitful rest, dreaming of dominion and blood sacrifices during the full moon. When Mirela is bound to the shifter Sorin, they must fight against his blood lust and her desire to misuse magic in order to survive the Daughter's rising. But blood makes the magic stronger—and the Daughter's imminent awakening only makes the call of evil stronger. And no one can escape the city.
Genre: Fantasy
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Magic killed her parents. Will it kill her too? The amulet Sariah found buried in the mines looked liked her ticket out of her half-starved backwater life. The pendant was surely very valuable. The assassin who tried to steal it apparently agreed. Now all she wants is revenge. Or at least justice. With help from a mystic she learns about magic. She hates magic. Will her thirst for vengeance drive her into magic's open arms?
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