October Newsletter 2021

Autumn is here, and the holiday season isn't far behind!
"For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven."   Ecclesiastes 3:1

Autumn is a season of change. The green of summer turns to a palette of vivid scarlet, gold, and soil-colored hues that carpet the earth. The air becomes more crisp and the temperatures cooler. 
The autumn is our garland, the grand finale of another year of life. It is the time of seeds bequeathed to the soil, of that which takes flight from branch to earth to become new earth itself. It is the gift of the old to the new birth that will come again in the spring. 

Autumn is the season in which we offer thanks with grateful hearts for God's bountiful favor in our lives, for the warmth of hearth and home, and for the joy of love and laughter with family and friends.
The Good Lord has blessed us to be a blessing to others. Sharing shows that you care. Caring means you are willing to put the needs of others first. As we approach the season of holiday giving, we invite you to reflect on God's faithfulness and prayerfully discern what you can offer to those in need out of the abundant goodness in your life.
In this season, we give thanks for your generosity of time, talents, and treasures in our journey together to serve those who are calling out for help, for we could not do what we do without each and every one of you.  Thank you!

Many thanks to all who gathered in support of our 9th Annual Gala, A Night of Hope: Pathway to Freedom. It was an inspirational night of delicious food, terrific entertainment from the award-winning Voices of Lee, and powerful transformation stories in the lives of overcomers who joined us as our special guests for the evening.
With sincere appreciation to all for your incredible generosity, we are thrilled to announce that we raised over $320,000, and the gifts are still coming in! Thank you for responding to the call of those who need you!
Our hope is that our guests returned home that evening having learned more about the mission of Frontline Response and the opportunities to engage and serve alongside our staff. If you were unable to attend the gala, you can still support our mission by clicking the button below. Thank you!
Support Our Mission
2021 Gala Photo Gallery

Save the Date
Saturday, December 18th!  

Experience the joy of giving this holiday season by taking part in our annual Christmas Toy Giveaway!

On Saturday, December 18th, we will provide an unforgettable Christmas experience for boys and girls in our community. In 2020, with the help of over 200 volunteers, we were able to share gifts and the love of Jesus with over 2,000 children. The event is a joyous celebration and gives true meaning to the age-old phrase "reason for the season."

If you are interested in participating, there are plenty of volunteer opportunities available. Our Amazon wish list is a great way for you to get involved and donate toys! For our Christmas Toy Giveaway, you can purchase something off the wish list, and it will be shipped directly to Frontline Response. 

Volunteers can welcome children and their families on December 18th, as well as guide them through the fun activities of the day. There will also be opportunities to help sort and distribute toys the week prior to the event. Be sure to check out our November newsletter for available time slots and a link for you to register to volunteer!:

Amazon Wish List
Radical Generosity (noun):  The concept that the suffering of others should be as intolerable to us as our own suffering. GivingTuesday reimagines a world built upon shared humanity and generosity. This year, please consider donating to Frontline Response on November 30th as we rescue those in crisis in our communities.  Help us change the world, one individual at a time. Together, we can make the world a better place!

Do you want to make a real difference in a child's life? Read a book with them! With the school year now in full swing, we are looking for volunteer tutors who have a heart to serve elementary school-aged children. We offer homework help and study tips to children in our communities on Mondays and Wednesdays from 4 to 5:30 p.m. If you're interested, fill out our volunteer application today.

Volunteer Application

Text ATL IMPACT to 33777
to receive a text when each rescue is complete.
Pray with us for each individual who is no longer living in crisis!


Text ATL Impact to 33777 to receive a text when each rescue is complete. Pray with us for each individual who is no longer living in crisis.

It is because of you that we are able to do what we do. It is because of you that we can rescue individuals out of the darkness of sex trafficking and homelessness. It is because of you that we can bring the light of hope into their lives.

Commit to a monthly gift of $25 to change the life of one of God's children who needs your help!

Thank You For Your Partnership
- The Frontline Response Team
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PO Box 54537
Atlanta, Ga 30308

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