Freedom Reimagined

As a transportation and business hub for the United States, Atlanta attracts millions of people each year.  It's also a hub for human trafficking. For many, the idea of a way out is hard to imagine.  They live life on the streets. They are at the mercy of others. They are harmed in ways that are unimaginable.
That's where we come in. We provide rescue services to those in harm's way. Imagine for the first time in many years having a safe place to stay, a bed, pajamas, toiletries. Imagine knowing that you can sleep without worrying about what the next day holds. 
It costs $1,355 to provide medical assistance, food, and case management services to a woman immediately after her rescue out of sex trafficking. In supporting Frontline, you are supporting her.
That's Freedom Reimagined. It's our passion and our purpose.  Will you join us?

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