Less Than Two Weeks Away from Our Christmas Toy Giveaway!
Our Christmas Toy Giveaway is only 10 days away! This week is the LAST WEEK to donate gifts before the event takes place next Saturday. We need your help to reach our goal of providing each kid in the communities we serve a gift this Christmas!

You can purchase a gift from our
Amazon Wish List and have it delivered directly to Frontline Response: https://amzn.to/2Y4eHK0 


You can purchase a gift and drop it off at our Gresham Road headquarters Monday-Friday from 9:00 am-4:00 pm. Please enter through the door under the Frontline Response Banner.
Location: 2585 Gresham Road SE, Atlanta, GA 30316

We are so grateful to everyone who has donated toys, signed up to volunteer, and partnered with us to bring smiles to the faces of deserving children this Christmas!

-The Frontline Response Team
Shop Now!
Donate Here!
Thank You For Your Partnership
- The Frontline Response Team
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