Welcome New Staff! 

Hi Team!

In the last several months we have welcomed 4 new staff onto our Safe Home team! Meet Ashley, Sarah, Lauren and Taylor, our newest Resident Assistants (clockwise from top left)!  So thankful for these new warriors - you can be praying for them and our whole Safe Home team as they settle in and are used by God in each woman's life! 


2 Princesses Rescued in ONE day! 

This past week, we had 2 ladies rescued and welcomed into our Safe Home in one day! Praise the Lord for their courage and safety! Pray for them as they begin the journey of healing and recovery. 

Valentine's Outreach Night in the strip clubs! 

Last night, our Encounter Outreach Teams were able to minister in 7 strip clubs! They were blessed to hand out 200 gifts and 250 roses, as they shared the love of Jesus! 
Our next Training is scheduled for March 23-24, 2018 in Norcross, GA!  Click HERE for more details. 
Click HERE to sign up for Lobby Day on February 20th! 

"Lobby Day is an opportunity to stand with other community members, advocates, and elected officials to show support for legislation protecting children and adults from sex trafficking and sexual exploitation, as well as a time to thank our legislators for their hard work and commitment toward the issue.  Join us!" (quoted from official Lobby Day material)
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