The White House, WashingtonNovember 16, 1933My dear Mr. Litvinov: I am very happy to inform you that as a result of ourconversations the Government of the United States has decided to estabish normaldiplomatic relations with the Government of the Union of Soviet SocialistRepublics and to exchange ambassadors. I trust that the relations now establishedbetween our peoples may forever remain normal and friendly, and that our Nations henceforth may cooperate for their mutual benefit and for the preservation ofthe peace of the world.I am, my dear Mr. Litvinov,Very sincerely yours,FRANKLIN D. ROOSEVELTWashingtonNovember 16, 1933My dear Mr. President:I am very happy to inform you that the Government of the Union of SovietSocialist Republics is glad to establish normal diplomatic relations with theGovernment of the United States and to exchange ambassadors.I, too, share the hope that the relations now established between our peoples mayforever remain normal and friendly, and that our Nations henceforth maycooperate for their mutual benefit and for the preservation of the peace of theworld.I am, my dear Mr. President,Very sincerely yours,MAXIM LITVINOVPeople's Commissar for Foreign Affairs, Union of Soviet Socialist RepublicsWashingtonNovember 16, 1933My dear Mr. President:I have the honor to inform you that coincident with the establishment of diplomaticrelations between our two Governments it will be the fixed policy of theGovernment of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics:1.To respect scrupulously the indisputable right of the United States to order itsown life within its own jurisdiction in its own way and to refrain from interferingin any manner in the internal affairs of the United States, its territories orpossessions.2. To refrain, and to restrain all persons in Government service and allorganizations of the Government or under its direct or indirect control, includingorganizations in receipt of any financial assistance from it, from any act overt orcovert liable in any way whatsoever to injure the tranquillity, prosperity, order, orsecurity of the whole or any part of the United States, its territories or possessions,and, in particular, from any act tending to incite or encourage armed intervention,or any agitation or propaganda having as an aim, the violation of the territorialintegrity of the United States, its territories or possessions, or the bringing aboutby force of a change in the political or social order of the whole or any part of theUnited States, its territories or possessions.
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OBJECTIVES: The students will be better able to• analyze a persuasive argument.• develop a persuasive letter.• name the current president of the United States of America.TIME:• 10 minutes to read and analyze Grace’s letter• 10 minutes to brainstorm and outline• amount of research varies by topic and age of students• 20 minutes to write• 10 minutes to proofreadRECOMMENDED AGE GROUP: 3rd–4th Grades, can be adapted for 5th–12th GradesTARGET VOCABULARY:• argument: discourse intended to persuade• candidate: one that aspires to or is nominated or qualified for an office, membership, or award• persuade: to move by argument, entreaty, or expostulation to a belief, position, or course of action• president: the title given to the chief executive officer in a republic, such as the United Statesof America• thesis: a position or proposition that a person advances and offers to maintain by argument
MATERIALS:• Activity Guide sheet (attached)• Background sheet (attached)• Read Grace Bedell’s Historic Letter sheet (attached)• (recommended) Computer(s) with Internet• EITHER Writing materials, envelope, and stamp OR computer with e-mail, OR fax machinePREPARATION:• If you are working with younger students, consider beginning the activity by reading Mr. Lincoln’sWhiskers together. Mr. Lincoln’s Whiskers is a storybook that focuses on an example of when a child’sletter to the president made a difference. For tips on reading this book together, check out the OurStory Guided Reading Activity (• Internet access is recommended because Read, Write, Think’s web site for Letters to the Presidenthas several materials that can support this activity (• Students can use the Persuasive Map to analyze and create persuasive arguments (• Students can also use the Letter Generator’s letter templates to make sure they include all the partsof a letter (• Consider using the lesson plans to generate ideas for possible themes for the class to address, likewriting persuasive letters about the environment (• Also consider strengthening student writing by focusing on specific skills like writing audiencespecificarguments ( and
Dear Professor Smith,I am sorry to inform you, but I will not be able to attend class today because I am ill. Would it bepossible for you to let me know what I have missed? Thank you for your help and I will see youin class on Wednesday.Sincerely,Jason JonesThis is just one of the many ways to write about this particular topic. However, make sure to useformal language, no “see ya.” Also, eliminate all contractions. If possible, try to ask a question.For this particular topic it is good to show your professor that you are truly sorry for missingclass and want to know what you are missing.
Dear Ms. Blue,I was searching online for a company that makes business cards. I came across your website andam extremely impressed. However, I do have a few questions. If I were to order only 500 insteadof the advertised 1000 business cards, how much would that cost? Furthermore, I would like mybusiness card to be colored and also include the logo of my company. Are those requestspossible, and if so, how much extra will they be? Due to my request for color and a logo I wouldlike to preview the card before receiving all 500. Is that feasible? I appreciate your assistance andlook forward to hearing back from you.Sincerely,Jessica HigginsManaging Partner of First Financial Assistance(497) 584-0589
Dear Hiring Manager,My name is Max Oates. I recently graduated in May from Menlo College with a Bachelorof Science in Business Management and a concentration in Marketing. I was recommended tocontact you concerning job opportunities from my advisor Dr. Nancy Drew. I believe that Iwould be an excellent candidate for a job.I have taken many courses to prepare me for a job in marketing. These courses includePrinciples of Marketing, Marketing Research, Strategic Marketing Management, ConsumerBehavior, and Internet Marketing. I have also recently interned at Google as an InternetMarketing Researcher. Through my many marketing classes and internship, I have learned to bea strong team member that values time management and communication.I believe that I can be a valued asset to your company. My phone number and alternativeemail are listed below. I look forward to hearing from you.Sincerely,Max 742-7505
From the Archives brings primary source documents and exploration into the classroom. These educational resources,carefully curated by our Education team, are meant to enhance historical discussions around relevant topics of today inhistory, civics, geography, and economics.“Dear Mr. President” brings together a wide array of letters written to President Reagan shortly after he was electedpresident on 4 November 1980. The letters come from students of all ages and from across the country. Some areletters that were written by the student on their own, while others were a class project. These letters contain thehopes, dreams, and concerns of these students for the incoming administration.Suggested Classroom Activities: The following are ideas to get you started using these primary source documents. Theyrepresent just a few of the options you have to engage your students with this material.Language Arts Teachers:1. Have students write a formal letter to the President. A handout showing the elements of a formal letter to thePresident is contained in this lesson as Appendix A. For younger students, have them write a more personalletter and perhaps illustrate it as many students did for President Reagan. Appendix B has a letter template forstudents that may need it.Social Studies Teachers:1. Have students look for common themes that are represented in the letters from the students. What was goingon at the time to cause so many students to focus on a relatively few number of topics? Have students breakinto teams to research the following topics:a. Iran Hostage Crisisb. Inflation/Stagflationc. Energy Crisisd. ERA2. Have students write their own letter to the President. President Reagan often paraphrased John Winthrop andreferred to the United States as the ‘Shining City on the Hill’. Have the students describe what their ‘ShiningCity’ looks like. Alternately, have them focus on one or two topics that mean a lot to them, their family, or yourcommunity and explain to the President what they would like to see him or her do to help.General:1. Practice using other forms of communication with the President, the Administration, or other leaders. Havestudents try their hand at crafting Tweets, Instagrams, blog posts, comments, and Facebook messages.Appendix C contains a list of contacts for all levels of government. Appendix D contains slips that students canuse to compose Tweets and conform to the 140-character limit.Note: Additional letters will be available for download on the Reagan Education webpage at the address below.Developed byThe Walter and Leonore Annenberg Presidential Learning CenterRonald Reagan Presidential Foundation & Institute40 Presidential Drive, Suite 200Simi Valley, CA
Dear Minister,I would like to thank you for the letter you sent to Commissioner Andriukaitis on 12 July2017 (ref. 68/2017-GM-MAPA) and for the Ofício 1606/2017/CGSF-MAPA sent by Mr.Odilson Silva, Secretary of International Relations of MAPA, inviting all EU MemberStates already exporting to Brazil to update their establishment lists and proposing ninenew model certificates for the exports of products of animal origin. CommissionerAndriukaitis has asked me to reply to you directly as sanitary and phytosanitary (SPS)matters related to EU exports to Brazil fall under my portfolio.I welcome the update of establishments and the nine new model certificates, togetherwith the successful implementation by MAPA of the electronic system to register labels(PGA/SIGSIF). I would like to thank you and your team for the good work done onsolving these issues. I believe the new system will allow EU exports to Brazil to flowfaster and the backlog of market access applications and certification issues will beeliminated soon.We have always and will continue handling SPS matters on their technical merits. It isimportant that this progress in resolving the long-standing difficulties in market access ofagri-food exports to Brazil continues, in order to ensure that our relations on SPS issuesand mutual trade in such products are on a solid foundation.I have instructed my services to write to yours and jointly coordinate all the necessarytechnical work, including the full implementation of Portaria № 126.1 would propose ourteams focus their work on implementing the following areas:- granting pre-listing to all EU Member States on a permanent basis and extendingapprovals to other products areas;- harmonising model certificates to address current problematic sanitary conditions;- coordinating the preparation of the audits to the EU and simplification ofquestionnaires;H.E. Mr Blairo MaggiMinister ofAgriculture, Livestock and Food SupplyBrazil a mis trop de temps à répondre.
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